M. Shadows salió del hospital después sufrir una intoxicación con la comida, por ese motivo no pudieron tocar en Ft Wayne, ya que tuvo que ser hospitalizado de emergencia, sin embargo Shadows mandará un mensaje personal para los fans de Ft Wayne, y por lo tanto la banda está en camino a su siguiente parada en el Tour que es St. Louis

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As many of you know, M. Shadows came down with a vicious case of food poisoning in Ft Wayne which required him to be hospitalized tonight. The band feels terrible they were unable to play, as they had really been looking forward to seeing their fans in Ft. Wayne. M. Shadows will post a personal note to the Ft Wayne fans soon. What we can tell you is that it took 3 IV bags before he could leave the hospital.But we wanted to let everyone know at the earliest possible time that he is out of the hospital and the band is now on its way to St. Louis and will play the show at Family Arena as scheduled tomorrow night February 17.More to follow but we wanted to get you the news asap.A7X


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